The Night Before Training

So I am sitting here in a hotel the night before a 2 day Master Defensive Pistol program with an instructor I have been wanting to train with for close to a decade, while a hurricane is hitting the coast, my wife is home alone with 3 dogs and a non-working generator as well as a kitchen tore up from the early stages of a remodel, I am behind on work I need to be doing for the shop, my expenses are climbing, election controversy is brewing, and I am wondering “what the hell am I doing here?!?”.

What I am doing here is learning the most I can from the best I can find, to make sure I am teaching as much of the right stuff as I can to my students. Training is not only a passion, but a serious responsibility where others are relying on what you teach them in order to effectively protect themselves and their families. Too many so-called “trainers” are out there flashing rudimentary credentials in an effort to make money by teaching firearms classes…without the least care as to whether or not they are doing anyone any good. They provide a false sense of security at worse, and no sense of security at best, and could care less! I’m not one of them.

So here I find myself, despite all I should be taking care of, analyzing my form in a mirror, double checking…ok maybe triple checking…my gear, checking my ammo count, filling magazines, cleaning my pistol, and also experiencing a little excitement, anxiety, and dare I say a small hint of self doubt as I get ready to spend a couple of days running around in the mud and wind, keeping up with students half my age, and learning eveything I can from a true master of the profession…while simultaneously figuring out how to build all I am learning into into what I do week after week with my students. Its more than a class, and its more than a job…its a passion that makes it all worth doing.

Am I excited about the opportunity to train with the very best? Absolutley! Will I excel in class or possibly end up face down in the mud sucking wind? Either is a possibility as there is no “in-between” for me. I am here for a reason.

Femme Fatale ARMS & Training is a woman-owned business that provides education and support to an over victimized and underserved segment of our population.  We have programs to build confidence and skill without the intimidating aspects that tend to exist elsewhere in this industry. Our goal is customer satisfaction and loyalty.  We’d appreciate an opportunity to show you how we are different, yet still, help you to accomplish your education and safety goals.

Amyone can shoot a gun, we train you to defend yourself!

Femme Fatale Arms & Training is located at 160 Malabar Road, Palm Bay, Fl. We are open Mon-Wed 10 to 5, Thurs and Fri10 to 6, and Saturday 12 to 4




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