The good ole’ boys vs women shooters.

I’m happy to see changes taking place in the minds of women who are becoming more and more comfortable with firearm ownership.  Female firearms owners are taking classes and practicing with their firearms and we are looking for more opportunities to do just that.  It seems that whenever change is happening, one segment evolves faster than another.  Women shooters are quickly growing in their quest for new challenges and opportunities.

Unfortunately, not everyone in the male dominated shooting industry is as receptive as they claim to be.  Most any woman who has ventured into any male dominated arena knows what I am talking about.  There are men in positions, who for whatever reason, will find excuses to impose barriers to women who venture into their territory.  A woman works and educates herself to develop skills for the activity just as any man, but additionally she must fight the existing male establishment which institutes different standards and expectations than are expected of a male in the same position.  These standards, policies or practices would be unacceptable when invoked on a male, yet they are accepted, and supported by the other males in position who also wish to “protect” their industry and will support the bullying tactics used on a regular basis against women.

After two years of incident free training at PMRPC, I was asked to resubmit a training proposal for the club president to review in order to continue using the club’s pistol range.    Once the proposal was submitted , email was the avenue for discussing concerns the PMRPC board, aka Dan Y, had about my training.  I wanted to face the board and address the questions in person, however,  I was offered a meeting on the side of the road on the club grounds with only Dan..  Dan Y, while acting in the capacity of President of Port Malabar Rifle and Pistol Club, and representing the board of directors, committed a battery against me on the grounds of the club.   The action was unacceptable, and I brought it to the attention of the full board of directors, (click here to read my email) The club Secretary “Jim S” on behalf of the board, sent me an official response via Certified mail, dismissing this behavior (click here to read their response).  This letter is a reflection of the true, deep seated, culture of this organization.

Time for change is upon us as members of PMRPC.  Step forward and run for a seat on the board, submit your name before November 27, the elections will be held at the January 20 membership meeting.  Women, if you are an associate member without the ability to cast a vote, encourage the voting members in your household to Vote for individuals who not only support women but, understand the laws that all professionals abide by to protect women and provide a safe environment for all members to enjoy.  PMRPC needs to have women represented on the board and I encourage all women to consider holding a position.   I will be happy to meet with you to discuss this further.

The liabilities caused by the archaic thinking of the current PMRPC board of directors can easily destroy this club.

Think for the future, women are the future and we are not going away.







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