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Melissa’s Big Leap!…Introduction to AR-15

Hello Gun Enthusiasts, I'm excited to report back to you about participating in the AR-15 Defense Rifle training class from this past Saturday.  Wow!!

Hello Gun Enthusiasts, I’m excited to report back to you about participating in the AR-15 Defense Rifle training class from this past Saturday.  Wow!!  I’ll start there, and that is also where I will end……but before we get there, I need to start at the beginning…..which is ZERO expectations from me.  Keep in mind, I took my first ever gun class a few short weeks ago, earned, and applied for my CCW….but I am no confident “Sure Shot” yet, so this kind of felt like a big leap to me.  However, there is no prerequisite to take this class, and it came highly recommended……with a few of the labels being that it is a “Really enjoyable gun to shoot and handle”, and it is a “TON OF FUN”…..????????…..oh wait, you’re serious?  I decide to get pumped for the idea.

Richard, our instructor, and Co-Owner of Femme Fatale was excellent!  He lead us through the classroom portion of the training first.  He dispelled several inaccurate assumptions about the AR-15… is not an Assault Rifle. It is a semi-automatic, so one bullet per trigger pull.  He helped us understand what can quickly turn your AR into an illegal weapon, you need to be very aware of modifying or adding “extras” to your gun, that was pretty interesting. He covered the basics in every aspect.

I will say here that men out numbered women in this particular class.  We definitely had an awesome group!  This class is kept smaller and little more controlled.  Four of the eight participants had recently purchased a new AR, they were there to get a really strong start with their guns, others had had theirs for a while, and lastly a few to simply try their hand at this firearm and see if it may be something they’d consider in the future.  The age range and diversity were wide, and nice to see.

Now I come to the part where I must be brutally honest: The Disassembling and Cleaning portion of the class. ????……YIKES.  ….Richard once again, patiently walking us through the steps of taking apart our guns.  (Disclaimer: these will definitely not be in the correct order…..I am just paraphrasing here so you get the idea).

Once we get the upper receiver, lower receiver, and butt stock apart…..I think to myself….sheesh, I had no idea this could break down into three sections. huh. Then he says, ok, now remove the charging handle, and carrier assembly.  WHAT THE……??? ….. I take a photo for this blog…..and then he says, remove your Bolt Carrier Assembly, and carefully take out the pin!!!  …and Don’t loose that….. ARE YOU SERIOUS!??  I take an updated photo for this blog… sooner then I stow my phone when he prods us forward to dig out the cam pin….(by now I want to loose it!)…..but before that’s possible, he delivers a tiny nail to each of us, to finesse out the itsy bitsy retaining pin!!!   ????????????. Be sure not to loose that….????.  I took a final shot (with my camera)….and it is the one you see here.   LOOK AT ALL THOSE PIECES! …..I didn’t even mention the dang magazine!

Ok folks.  Listen, please don’t be discouraged because small parts, and disassembling stuff is really torturous for me.  I am told by many, that they, or their husbands actually really enjoy taking apart their guns, and methodically cleaning them on the regular.  It helps them decompress, much like vacuuming does for some, or washing dishes for others.  So, don’t go by my experience……you must try for yourself.

Moving On, Next…..the WOW part!!  In the classroom I felt clumsy, very unsure, and not that hopeful of how “FUN” this gun was actually going to be.  So, once we began to fire on command, put the safety on, release our magazine, load again, and repeat, and repeat.  Then trying a new sequence, next being told we are ready to shoot in a zipper formation with FIVE shots, and then down to our knees, then from behind our barrels, and so forth.  We actually begged (asked) to be able to shoot prone so we could be TOTAL STUDS!!   You Gotta admit we look pretty cool.  To be frank: I felt AMAZING.  I found my Rythm, began to feel more and more comfortable, and that is when the FUN part clicked in.

Guys, that is the POINT OF ALL of these classes……get you comfortable, confident, feeling in control of your firearm……with zero fear in the equation.  It can happen and will happen with practice!  It is worth the investment of your time and money to properly train and prepare yourself for any situation……and you know what?   You may even have a flipping great time doing it!!

I was on cloud nine for the rest of the day……

My name is Melissa, and I recommend the AR-15 class.

See you on the range❤️

Femme Fatale ARMS & Training is a woman-owned business that provides education and support to an over victimized and underserved segment of our population.  We have programs to build confidence and skill without the intimidating aspects that tend to exist elsewhere in this industry.  Our goal is customer satisfaction and loyalty.  We’d appreciate an opportunity to show you how we are different, yet still, help you to accomplish your education and safety goals.

Femme Fatale Arms & Training is located at 4270 Minton Rd #107 in

West Melbourne, Florida 32904 ????We are open Mon-Thur 10 AM to 5 PM, Fri 10 AM to 6 PM, Sat 10 AM to 4 PM

Call us with questions at (321) 327-3790 or visit for more info today.



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