Blue Label Glock Dealer in Palm Bay, Florida – Femme Fatale Arms & Training
In the heart of the Sunshine State, there’s a beacon for gun enthusiasts, particularly women aiming to take control of their defenses with grace and precision. Femme Fatale Arms & […]
Training Bite: Dry Fire Practice
Written by Richard Dockery, February 26, 2022 The most important part of building muscle memory and habitual skill is practice. Proper repeated motions that hard-wire action into your mind, bypassing […]
My wife could never shoot better than me!
So I had a couple in the store looking for a .22 revolver for the wife. Naturally i directed her to a firearm better suited to self defense. He scowled […]
Why Do You, AND Your Child, Need A Gun Safety Class?
The topic of Firearms and Children has always been a controversial one with families taking differing viewpoints and approaches varying from refusing to have a gun in the home because […]
How Much is Your Safety Worth?
Lately there seems to be a lot of advertisement proposing “CCW Class, $19.99”. …and surprisingly, people are sending these ads to their friends and family, as well as expressing their […]
Annie Oakley Days: Ladies Day at the Range
Hey, I Can Do That!
Have you seen those videos of people shooting an AR-15, and they fall backwards or overreact? Here’s the thing…it’s nothing like that. The truth is, when used correctly, the AR-15 […]
First Annual Annie Oakley Festival
Saturday, February 9 will be our First Annual Annie Oakley Festival! The day will be spent at the range, introducing women to shooting sports through both demonstrations and hands-on experiences. […]
AR-15: A Defense Rifle
AR-15: A Defense RifleWe have also added a training class for the DR-15…”The AR -15 Experience”…Click here to learn more and sign up!; Each month Dennis, one of our resident […]
An Interesting “Pistol” for Home Defense
Live free Armory AR Pistol review Let me start by saying that I normally prefer the rifle and carbine variants of the AR platform, but found myself intrigued at the […]