Why Do You, AND Your Child, Need A Gun Safety Class?

The topic of Firearms and Children has always been a controversial one with families taking differing viewpoints and approaches varying from refusing to have a gun in the home because of kids, to involving their children in the shooting sports. There are many things to consider when you have both a firearm and children, and decisions to be made.

Training Bite: Dry Fire Practice

The problem in today’s world is who has the time to practice?…you do! You just may not recognize some forms of practice that will make all of the difference.

Staying Safe When The Shelves are Bare

If we learned anything from the pandemic lockdows its that supplies can & will run low, and that access to things like food, clothing, cleaning supplies, medical supplies, etc. can […]

Training Bite: Shooting and Moving…..

Written by Richard Dockery, January 2022. I have been watching videos of people training to shoot & move, or practicing on their own, and came to the realization that too […]