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An Interesting “Pistol” for Home Defense

Live free Armory AR Pistol review

Let me start by saying that I normally prefer the rifle and carbine variants of the AR platform, but found myself intrigued at the pistol the folks over at Live Free armory in West Melbourne brought to the shop for us to sell. Of course, the first thing that I did was break down the pistol to clean, inspect, and oil it. What I found was a great surprise. The purple “Battle worn” cerakote finish was flawless and extends to the inside of both the upper and lower receivers. All internal components are top quality, the bolt carrier was polished to perfection then received a nitride finish. The barrel is ten and a half inches long, with one of Live Free’s custom muzzle brakes, and is made from 4150 chrome moly vanadium steel.

While I have not yet fired the pistol (hopefully next week) the boss has, and she says the action is smooth, recoil was very well managed by the buffer. She also says the trigger was light and crisp, just like one would want in an AR pistol. She aimed using a “Sig Romeo Three” and stated that the pistol was extremely accurate. I look forward to shooting it myself, if it shoots as well as it is made I think I will be a big fan of “Live Free Armory”. Updates to follow after I have a chance fire it

If you are in the market for an AR-15 you might want to come on down to Femme Fatale Firearms and training at 4270 Minton road in Palm bay and take a look at these gems from a local company. The rifles and pistols that they build are of top quality and are available in a wide range of colors. They offer AR-10 rifles in .308 and 6.5 Creedmoor, and AR-15 rifles and pistols in 5.56 NATO and 300 Blackout. We at Femme Fatale also carry most of the major manufacturers and can find the firearm to make you happy.

Thanks for reading



Yesterday I finally had a chance to get to the range with this pistol. Let me tell you I was very surprised at how well this gun shoots. Trigger is smooth crisp and clean. The muzzle break functions flawlessly and the accuracy is beyond what I imagined. When I first looked at this pistol I knew it was mechanically sound, but after firing it all I can say is wow. If you are in the market for an AR pistol you can’t go wrong with this one.






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